Practice Accounting Module

With ChartStar

ChartStar follows proper accounting procedures, gathering billings in a batch under each User’s ID Code. Only a System Manager can then process those batches into claims. A complete audit trail is maintained for every dollar that is entered into the system.

Month end figures are incremented daily so that when you run Month End, it is a short, one-step process needing only to add transactions entered on the final day.

Revenue Analysis reports can be printed at any point during the month for a picture of where you are at as of that day or you can just wait until monthend. They are designed by the client using 3 standard formats, each allowing you to define which coverages, providers, revenue centres, transaction types, sites, etc should be included in the report. You can define and save your report formats for repeat use each month.

Outstanding receivables are tallied, by coverage, on an Aged Trial Balance and Outstanding Claims can be printed for each individual aging range.

Custom reports can be ordered from Asystar and will become part of your standard system. These reports can be displayed, printed or saved to a file for use in other programs such as Excel.

The listed items show a few examples of Revenue Analysis reports but there are many other variations available in the standard system. Feel free to ask us further for what you might like!
Revenue Analysis

Revenue Analysis reports can be designed and saved by the user. There are 3 standard styles, including the Report format shown on the top right and the Detail Listing shown below. Custom reports can be designed and added to your menu's. These reports can be printed and/or exported to Excel for further manipulation.

Detail Reports show how many of each tariff code have been billed and the associated dollars for the current month and year to date, and can include a comparison with last year. They can be sorted by Physician, Revenue Centre (eg. Lab, Xray, Clinic), Coverage, Transaction type (eg. Charges, payments,adjustments) etc.

Provider Outstanding

Outstanding Claims are reported "by coverage - by provider" and "by provider- by coverage" and are totaled by both.
Claims Tracking

Outstanding Claims are tracked from the Aged Trial Balance by Aging Range, Provider &/or Coverage.

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